texture_slot_thelper class representing a binding of a texture object to a texture unit
This class is a RAII wrapper for the binding of textures to texture units. It can be created with the conversion constructior or calling texture_t::
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
texture_slot_t(const texture_
t& texture) - default constructor
slot_ t&& mov) - move constructor
texture_slot_t(const texture_
slot_ t& cpy) deleted - copy constructor
Public functions
- auto id() const -> GLint
- get id of corresponding texture unit
auto operator=(texture_
slot_ t&& mov) -> texture_ slot_ t& - move assignment operaotr
auto operator=(const texture_
slot_ t& cpy) -> texture_ slot_ t& deleted - copy assignment operaotr
Function documentation
glpp:: core:: object:: texture_slot_t:: texture_slot_t(const texture_ t& texture)
default constructor
conversion constructor
The default constructor will not bind a texture to a texture unit, but reserves a texture unit for manual usage. The id of this texture_slot can be used for manual initialisation.
This constructor will bind the texture to a texture unit and create a texture_
glpp:: core:: object:: texture_slot_t:: texture_slot_t(texture_ slot_ t&& mov)
move constructor
texutre_slot_t is move constructible.
glpp:: core:: object:: texture_slot_t:: texture_slot_t(const texture_ slot_ t& cpy) deleted
copy constructor
texutre_slot_t is not copy constructible.
GLint glpp:: core:: object:: texture_slot_t:: id() const
get id of corresponding texture unit
Returns | texture unit id that is used |
texture_ slot_ t& glpp:: core:: object:: texture_slot_t:: operator=(texture_ slot_ t&& mov)
move assignment operaotr
texutre_slot_t is move assignable.
texture_ slot_ t& glpp:: core:: object:: texture_slot_t:: operator=(const texture_ slot_ t& cpy) deleted
copy assignment operaotr
texutre_slot_t is not copy assignable.