template<class T>class attribute_properties
- OpenGL type trait helper.
template<class T = float>class buffer_t
- class for creating and managing buffers in OpenGL
- class framebuffer_t
- class for creating and managing framebuffers in OpenGL
template<class T>class image_t
- storage class for image data in cpu memory.
- class shader_factory_t
- helper class for preprocessing shader code
- class shader_program_t
- class for creating and managing shader programs in OpenGL
- class shader_t
- class for creating and managing shaders in OpenGL
template<class AllocationPolicy>class texture_atlas_entry_t
- helper class representing an entry of a texture_
atlas_ t object -
template<class AllocationPolicy>class texture_atlas_slot_t
- helper class representing a binding of a texture_
atlas_ t object to a texture unit -
template<class AllocationPolicy>class texture_atlas_t
- customizable container class for for textures
- class texture_slot_t
- helper class representing a binding of a texture object to a texture unit
- class texture_t
- storage class for OpenGL textures
- class vertex_array_t
- class for creating and managing vertex arrays in OpenGL
- enum class attachment_t: GLenum { color = GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, depth = GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, stencil = GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, depth_stencil = GL_DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT }
- strong typed enumeration type for framebuffer attachments
- enum class buffer_target_t: GLenum { array_buffer = GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, atomic_counter_buffer = GL_ATOMIC_COUNTER_BUFFER, copy_read_buffer = GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER, copy_write_buffer = GL_COPY_WRITE_BUFFER, dispatch_indirect_buffer = GL_DISPATCH_INDIRECT_BUFFER, draw_indirect_buffer = GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER, element_array_buffer = GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, pixel_pack_buffer = GL_PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER, pixel_unpack_buffer = GL_PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER, query_buffer = GL_QUERY_BUFFER, shader_storage_buffer = GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, texture_buffer = GL_TEXTURE_BUFFER, transform_feedback_buffer = GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_BUFFER, uniform_buffer = GL_UNIFORM_BUFFER }
- strong typed enumeration type for buffer targets
- enum class buffer_usage_t: GLenum { stream_draw = GL_STREAM_DRAW, stream_read = GL_STREAM_READ, stream_copy = GL_STREAM_COPY, static_draw = GL_STATIC_DRAW, static_read = GL_STATIC_READ, static_copy = GL_STATIC_COPY, dynamic_draw = GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW, dynamic_read = GL_DYNAMIC_READ, dynamic_copy = GL_DYNAMIC_COPY }
- strong typed enumeration type for buffer usage
- enum class clamp_mode_t: GLenum { repeat = GL_REPEAT, mirrored_repeat = GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT, clamp_to_edge = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, clamp_to_border = GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER }
- strong typed enumeration for texture clamping modes
- enum class filter_mode_t: GLenum { nearest = GL_NEAREST, linear = GL_LINEAR }
- strong typed enumeration for texture filter modes
- enum class framebuffer_target_t: GLenum { read = GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, write = GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, read_and_write = GL_FRAMEBUFFER }
- strong typed enumeration type for framebuffer targets
- enum class image_format_t: GLenum { preferred = 0, red = GL_RED, rg = GL_RG, rgb = GL_RGB, rgba = GL_RGBA_INTEGER, red_i = GL_RED_INTEGER, rg_i = GL_RG_INTEGER, rgb_i = GL_RGB_INTEGER, rgba_i = GL_RGBA_INTEGER, red_8 = GL_R8, red_s8 = GL_R8_SNORM, red_16 = GL_R16, red_16s = GL_R16_SNORM, rg_8 = GL_RG8, rg_8s = GL_RG8_SNORM, rg_16 = GL_RG16, rg_16s = GL_RG16_SNORM, rgb_332 = GL_R3_G3_B2, rgb_4 = GL_RGB4, rgb_5 = GL_RGB5, rgb_8 = GL_RGB8, rgb_8s = GL_RGB8_SNORM, rgb_10 = GL_RGB10, rgb_12 = GL_RGB12, rgb_16 = GL_RGB16_SNORM, rgba_2 = GL_RGBA2, rgba_4 = GL_RGBA4, rgb_5_a1 = GL_RGB5_A1, rgba_8 = GL_RGBA8, rgba_8s = GL_RGBA8_SNORM, rgb10_a2 = GL_RGB10_A2, rgba_10ui_a2ui = GL_RGB10_A2UI, rgba_12 = GL_RGBA12, rgba_16 = GL_RGBA16, srgb8 = GL_SRGB8, srgba_8 = GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8, r_16f = GL_R16F, rg_16f = GL_RG16F, rgb_16f = GL_RGB16F, rgba_16f = GL_RGBA16F, red_32f = GL_R32F, rg_32f = GL_RG32F, rgb_32f = GL_RGB32F, rgba_32f = GL_RGBA32F, rgb_11f_11f_10f = GL_R11F_G11F_B10F, rgb_9_e5 = GL_RGB9_E5, r_8i = GL_R8I, r_8ui = GL_R8UI, r_16i = GL_R16I, r_16ui = GL_R16UI, r_32i = GL_R32I, r_32ui = GL_R32UI, rg_8i = GL_RG8I, rg8_ui = GL_RG8UI, rg_16i = GL_RG16I, rg_16ui = GL_RG16UI, rg_32i = GL_RG32I, rg_32ui = GL_RG32UI, rgb_8i = GL_RGB8I, rgb_8ui = GL_RGB8UI, rgb_16i = GL_RGB16I, rgb_16ui = GL_RGB16UI, rgb_32i = GL_RGB32I, rgb_32ui = GL_RGB32UI, rgba_8i = GL_RGBA8I, rgba_8ui = GL_RGBA8UI, rgba_16i = GL_RGBA16I, rgba_16ui = GL_RGBA16UI, rgba_32i = GL_RGBA32I, rgba_32ui = GL_RGBA32UI, r_c = GL_COMPRESSED_RED, rg_c = GL_COMPRESSED_RG, rgb_c = GL_COMPRESSED_RGB, rgba_c = GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA, rgb_s_c = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB, rgba_s_c = GL_COMPRESSED_SRGB_ALPHA, d_32f = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F, d_24i = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, d_16i = GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, d_32f_s_8i = GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8, d_24i_s_8i = GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, s_8i = GL_STENCIL_INDEX8 }
- strong typed enum to represent different pixel formats
- enum class mipmap_mode_t { none, nearest, linear }
- strong typed enumeration for texture filter mipmap modes
- enum class shader_type_t: GLenum { compute = GL_COMPUTE_SHADER, vertex = GL_VERTEX_SHADER, tess_control = GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, tess_eval = GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, geometry = GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, fragment = GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER }
- strong typed enum that represents different shader types
- enum class texture_channel_t: GLenum { red = GL_RED, green = GL_GREEN, blue = GL_BLUE, alpha = GL_ALPHA, zero = GL_ZERO, one = GL_ONE }
- strong typed enumeration for texture channels
Enum documentation
enum class glpp:: core:: object:: image_format_t: GLenum
strong typed enum to represent different pixel formats
This enum is consumed by texture_