namespace glpp
namespace core
namespace object
- class attribute_properties OpenGL type trait helper.
- class buffer_t class for creating and managing buffers in OpenGL
- class framebuffer_t class for creating and managing framebuffers in OpenGL
- class image_t storage class for image data in cpu memory.
- class shader_factory_t helper class for preprocessing shader code
- class shader_program_t class for creating and managing shader programs in OpenGL
- class shader_t class for creating and managing shaders in OpenGL
- class texture_atlas_entry_t helper class representing an entry of a texture_
atlas_ t object - class texture_atlas_slot_t helper class representing a binding of a texture_
atlas_ t object to a texture unit - class texture_atlas_t customizable container class for for textures
- class texture_slot_t helper class representing a binding of a texture object to a texture unit
- class texture_t storage class for OpenGL textures
- class vertex_array_t class for creating and managing vertex arrays in OpenGL
- namespace render
namespace object
namespace core